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Is it Hard to Scale a Personal Training Business?

Climbing Mt. Everest is one of the hardest feats a human can accomplish. A close second is sitting through an entire Kevin Hart movie. And just behind that is scaling a business. While I have no advice for accomplishing the first two other than go to the bathroom first, I can help you scale your personal training business. And the first thing we need to acknowledge is why we need to scale our business.

The difference between a 40k earner and a 70k earner is how many clients they train. But as you reach for higher incomes, say 200k, the formula for growth isn't just getting more clients. Why? There are only so many people you can train in a day. Your earning potential is capped. So, at some point you will need to scale your business so that your one-on-one time with a client isn’t your only way to generate income.

You don’t need to go to business school, become a finance bro, or slide into Gary V’s DMs to learn how to do this. You can scale your personal training business by following a few time-tested strategies. Let’s check it out.

Diversify Your Revenue Streams

As you hit a ceiling with one-on-one client sessions, consider offering additional services such as online training, workshops, or group sessions. By providing options like virtual coaching or creating specialized programs, you can reach a broader audience without the limitations of time and physical presence.

Leverage Online Platforms

Online training is becoming increasingly important. Create and sell digital content like workout plans, instructional videos, or courses. Platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok can serve as powerful marketing tools where you showcase client transformations, offer tips, and engage with a wider audience. This not only builds your brand but also attracts new clients globally.

Develop a Scalable Business Model

Instead of relying solely on hourly rates, consider models that allow for recurring revenue. Subscription services for online content, fitness challenges, or membership sites provide a steady income and scale without requiring more hours of your time. However, putting your information behind a paywall isn’t for everyone. Instead, you can put out free content in an effort to collect email addresses, audience trust, and build a bigger community you can sell to in the future.

Hire and Delegate

As your business grows, you’ll reach a point where you can’t do everything yourself. Hiring other trainers to work under your brand allows you to take on more clients without increasing your workload. This is usually the first phase of scaling a business that personal trainers opt for. It’s proven to be incredibly lucrative over the years.

This approach works best when you have already established your training style, philosophy, and methods. This way your staff has a clear playbook on how to represent your brand.

Focus on Branding and Marketing

A strong, recognizable brand can attract clients without much effort. Invest in professional branding, putting out free content, maintaining an active social media presence, and consider running targeted ads. Building a brand that reflects your values and expertise will set you apart from the competition and help you grow organically.

Scaling a personal training business takes hard work, but it’s a task you are more than equipped to handle. Use this blog as a starting point. The possibilities don’t end here. If you have ideas beyond what we’ve touched on, don’t be scared to explore them.