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How to Make 6 Figures as a Personal Trainer

Logan Paul must have missed the memo — there’s a better way to hit six figures than scamming 12-year-olds into buying crypto with their parents’ routing number. Personal training is more lucrative than ever. But it’s not the get-rich-quick scheme you might see advertised. As someone whose search history is 10% tacos near me and 90% fitness, I’m often targeted by ads selling the dream of becoming a rich trainer or my money back. And, being wildly curious and physically incapable of not clicking on sketchy pop-ups, I can tell you firsthand: there are no quick bucks in this business. Becoming a high earner in this industry takes patience, dedication, continuous growth, and a gameplan.

Let’s take a look at how to get there.

Create Multiple Revenue Streams

Don’t rely solely on one-on-one training sessions. Expand your income sources by offering online coaching, creating digital products (like workout guides or meal plans), and hosting workshops or boot camps. Diversify income streams to create a more stable and scalable business model​.

Build a Strong Online Presence

Use social media platforms, a professional website, and content marketing (like blogs, videos, and podcasts) to reach a larger audience. Building a personal brand online not only helps you attract clients but also allows you to market your additional services more effectively. Leveraging online platforms can exponentially increase a trainer's reach and income potential​.

Focus on Client Retention

Developing strong relationships with your clients is key to maintaining a steady income. Offer exceptional service, track their progress, and provide personalized experiences. Happy clients are more likely to purchase additional services and refer others to you. Focusing on client satisfaction and retention is almost always more profitable than constantly seeking new clients​.

Specialize in a Niche

Find a specific area of fitness that you excel in or are passionate about, such as corrective exercise, weight loss, or athletic performance. Specializing allows you to charge premium rates because you offer expertise that general trainers don’t. Additionally, it can help you stand out from the crowd.

Implement High-Ticket Offers

Introduce premium services like long-term, multi-phase transformations or a masterclass on program design. Personal training doesn’t just have to be about putting someone through a workout. Keep an open mind and offer more.

High-ticket offers can significantly boost your income with fewer clients. Create value-packed services that justify a higher price point, ensuring that clients feel they are receiving something exclusive and transformative​.

Develop a Signature Program

Create a unique, results-driven program that addresses a specific client type. This could be a 12-week transformation program, a specialized glute building phase, or a customized plan for athletes. A signature program not only allows you to charge more but also helps establish your reputation as an expert in that area. Package your expertise into something that can be marketed as a premium service​.

Expand Your Network

Networking with other fitness professionals, businesses, and influencers can open doors to new opportunities and referrals. Partnering with local businesses, gyms, or wellness centers can help you reach more clients and establish your credibility.

Take some time to think over these strategies and consider how you could best incorporate them into your business model. You might connect with some more than others. Focus your energy on the tactics and advice that you feel fits your brand, personality, and style best. For example, if you’re more introverted, you might be better at designing programs than expanding your network. We all have our strengths and our weaknesses, and that’s okay! Take these tips and apply them to the best of your ability and you’ll be on your way to making six figures as a personal trainer.